You're putting in more than your fair share of hours at the office but it's not paying off in your bank account. You feel as if you're at max capacity but something's got to change so you can INCREASE REVENUE & IMPROVE PROFITABILITY.
You're busy. You're pulled in many directions. We get it. Which is why we don't waste your time with a bunch of information. We bring you cutting edge advice and real world assistance. So you can have the business you want and the lifestyle you deserve.
We give you a fresh perspective on the challenges you face so you can finally stop "talking about" them and just resolve them
We teach you innovative strategies to capture, engage and retain today's best talent and today's modern consumer . The kind that really works
We help you identify and implement the most important things first. The ones that will make the greatest impact. Starting now. Not someday, hopefully.
We deliver results and outcomes that have documentable ROI for your investment of time, effort and money. Otherwise, why should you bother?
You're putting in more than your fair share of hours at the office but it's not paying off in your bank account. You feel as if you're at max capacity but something's got to change so you can INCREASE REVENUE & IMPROVE PROFITABILITY.
You know that to expand the business, you need to add Producers. You struggle with making the move from Producer to Manager. You wonder what the right balance is for you between the two. Or, you brought on a few people but you're frustrated having to spend time to train, corral and handhold your team instead of doing what you love in your business. Call us to DEVELOP YOUR TALENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (from recruiting to onboarding to training and mentoring)
You vetted them. You put them through the "company training" process. They either came with no experience, some experience or a bunch of experience but in every instance, they're not producing at the level you expected - and need. You're irritated because you shouldn't have to micromanage. (Or you micromanage and they're the ones irritated.) You've now wasted time, energy and money on bringing them on board. Now you're stuck trying to figure out when to cut your losses and cut them loose. Call us to design your MENTORSHIP PROGRAM.
You've tried talking, tried convincing, even tried begging and threatening. Nothing changes. You're exasperated with inefficiency and ineffectiveness. What's the missing link? Call us to ASSESS YOUR TEAM & RESOLVE YOUR PEOPLE PROBLEM.
Or maybe they're not supporting your Producers the way they need. Both cases create a wall between you and your business goals. It feels like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing, like they're mostly doing "just enough" to "get by" and it never feels like everyone is on the same team playing for the same endgame. Call us to get everyone on the same page and transform the way they work, both independently and interdependently with a TEAM TRAINING.
Most of us start our business in the day to day grind and making the shift from Solopreneur to CEO doesn't always happen. Not without intention, guidance and training. That's where we come in to help you. Whether you need it for yourself or you need it for your Producers, we've got proven proprietary programs to turn you and your Producers into Rockstar CEO's.
Would you like to speak to one of our Expert Consultants? Send us a note and we'll get your complimentary Business Breakthrough Session scheduled!